Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Ophthalmic Clinical Evaluation Exercise: Interrater Reliability Determination

Karl Golnik, MD, MEd
University of Cincinnati

Purpose: New concise tools must be developed to reliably and validly assess the core residency competencies identified by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education. The Ophthalmic Clinical Evaluation Exercise (OCEX) is a tool designed to assess the ophthalmology resident’s competence in patient care. The OCEX has been shown to be a valid assessment tool. This study will determine if the OCEX has interrater reliability.

Participants: Ninety-four academic ophthalmology faculty.

Methods: Participants reviewed a video-CD of the same resident-new patient encounter while completing an OCEX. A scoring rubric was provided.

Results: The Cronbach alpha statistic was 0.74 when analyzing only the 74 OCEXs that were 100% completed and 0.81 when analyzing all 94 OCEXs using imputed means. Of the 33 individual OCEX items, 31 (95%) had at least 85% of the ratings occur in two consecutive rating categories.

Conclusions: The OCEX has interrater reliability. It has been shown to meet the ACGME criteria for an acceptable assessment tool.