Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Measuring Knowledge and Attitudes about Asthma in Pediatric Nurses in an Inpatient Setting

Edward Epstein, MD, MEd
Children's Hospital and Health Center
This study was performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of an educational intervention on knowledge and attitudes about pediatric asthma in bedside nurses in a community hospital.

Study Design: Registered nurses working in pediatrics were given an asthma knowledge examination before and after an educational intervention was administered. After the post-test, a survey was administered to determine changes in attitude and confidence about asthma diagnosis, therapy, and patient teaching.

Results: Statistical analysis of the results showed a significant difference in asthma knowledge scores based on the educational intervention and a significant difference in self-reported attitudes and confidence regarding asthma diagnosis, therapy and the communication of asthma knowledge to affected patients and families.

Conclusions: This study showed a significant increase in asthma knowledge and significant improvement in attitudes and self-confidence about asthma care and asthma education in pediatric bedside nurses in a community hospital setting. Educational programs for pediatric asthma inpatients and their families should be preceded by formal asthma education for the nurses involved in the teaching. This allows them to improve their own knowledge, skills, attitudes and confidence regarding asthma pathophysiology, and therapy, and to improve their ability to communicate with and teach patients and families about asthma.