Friday, November 6, 2015

Congratulations Summer 2015 Graduates!

  • Sherif Badawy - Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
  • Donna Bearden - University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Paula Meyler - Royal Columbian Hospital
  • Emily Ruedinger - University of Minnesota

Catalyst Update

In the last newsletter, we informed you about changes to the application process beginning Fall 2016 and hinted that this was only one change coming.  The University has been undertaking the massive task of upgrading from a homegrown Student Information System (SIS) to Catalyst, the UC branding of PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. Along with this, they have adopted a new Prospect Management and Application Management system (Radius). Getting these new systems to talk with each other, and with other systems and data warehouse applications that are staying in place, is a huge task. If you've been through adoption of a new large-scale EMR application, you have some idea of what is involved with changing a system that affects nearly every aspect of your business.  We'd love to believe the rollout will be smooth and seamless, but we know there will be bumps and glitches along the way.

By Fall 2016, all student data will be migrated from the current SIS to Catalyst.

How this affects our students
As Catalyst continues to be customized, we are learning little-by-little about what changes to expect. We will learn much more once the system rolls out and gets widespread testing by users.

However, we do know now that, beginning Fall 2016, all of our students will have to register for courses themselves. We will not be able to submit course registrations in bulk for our courses. This has implications for how and when we bill for our courses, and we still need to work out those specifics. So, stay tuned for lots more information to come!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Dan Schumacher

Dan Schumacher was a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center when he began the online masters program in 2009.  He graduated with his MEd in 2012 and moved to Boston where he served as an assistant professor of Pediatrics (Boston Medical Center) and Associate Program Director at the Boston Combined Residency Program in Pediatrics (Boston Children’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center).  Dan returned to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Summer 2015 and currently serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics.

Dan is involved in national activities that are shaping the future of medical education in the United States. He was one of 8 authors of the Pediatric Milestones which serves as the backbone for the ACGME’s Next Accreditation System.  Dan acknowledged that the MEd provided a critical foundation for this work. He is also a visiting scholar of the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) and a previous visiting scholar of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). He is still actively involved with several other national activities as an invited participant of the Future of Testing Conference (ABP), a member of the sub-specialty clinical training and certification task force of the ABP, and a scholar in milestones and entrustable professional activities. Dan has 26 peer-reviewed publications in the past 5 years helping frame the national dialogue around medical education.

Read his December 2013 article, "The Quest Toward Unsupervised Practice: Promoting Autonomy, Not Independence. (JAMA. 2013;310(24):2613-2614. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.282324.)