Jamie Sutherell, MD, MEd
Cardinal Glennon Children’s Medical Center
Updates from the University of Cincinnati/Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center Master of Education and Graduate Certificate in Medical Education programs for physicians and health care providers.
Friday, December 18, 2015
Assessment in Competency-Based Medical Education: A Qualitative Study of Graduate Medical Education Faculty Perceptions
Sara Sukalich, MD, MEd
OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital
OhioHealth Riverside Methodist Hospital
Creation of a Validated, Reliable Procedural Checklist, Global Skills Assessment, and Entrustable Professional Activities Assessment for Simulation-Based Education in Neonatal Intubation for Pediatric Trainees
Lindsay Johnston, MD, MEd
Yale University School of Medicine
Yale University School of Medicine
Using simulation in preparation for a pediatric OSCE exam
Mostafa Elbaba, MBBCh, MEd
Hamad Medical Corporation
Hamad Medical Corporation
Important knowledge for parents of children with heart disease: parent, nurse, and physician views
Joshua Daily, MD, MEd
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Monday, December 14, 2015
Revision to English competency score requirement for international applicants
The minimum expected English Competency test scores have been revised for our programs. The new minimums are:
TOEFL internet-based test (iBT): 94 overall, 22 Reading, 24 Writing
IELTS: band scores of 7 overall, 7 Reading, 7 Writing
English competency test scores are generally required for those applicants whose native language is not English. Applicants who are currently living and working in an English-speaking country or have graduated from a University where the instruction is in English are exempt. A request to waive the test requirement can be made if the applicant can show moderate to high competency in academic reading and writing.
Competency is judged by test scores and all other communications with the program office, including the application essay and all email communications. If necessary, additional writing samples may be requested.
TOEFL internet-based test (iBT): 94 overall, 22 Reading, 24 Writing
IELTS: band scores of 7 overall, 7 Reading, 7 Writing
English competency test scores are generally required for those applicants whose native language is not English. Applicants who are currently living and working in an English-speaking country or have graduated from a University where the instruction is in English are exempt. A request to waive the test requirement can be made if the applicant can show moderate to high competency in academic reading and writing.
Competency is judged by test scores and all other communications with the program office, including the application essay and all email communications. If necessary, additional writing samples may be requested.
Friday, November 6, 2015
Congratulations Summer 2015 Graduates!
- Sherif Badawy - Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
- Donna Bearden - University of Alabama at Birmingham
- Paula Meyler - Royal Columbian Hospital
- Emily Ruedinger - University of Minnesota
- Kristen Bettin - University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center
The Pediatric Night Shift Curriculum - Francisco Fernandez - University of Cincinnati
Value of Feedback in Learning Placement of a Subclavian Central Venous Catheter - James Fuller - Greenville Hospital System
Improving Attitudes and Behaviors towards Internal Medicine Grand Rounds by Incorporating the Theory of Planned Behavior - Clair Ganal - Naval Health Center New England
Defining and Fostering Self-Directed Learning in Pediatric Residency: The Perspective Of Pediatric Program Directors - Nadine Gauthier - University of Ottawa
Does Cardiac Physical Exam Teaching using a Cardiac Simulator Improve Medical Students’ Diagnostic Skills - Shari Meyerson - Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Validity Evidence for a Newly-Developed Simulator-Based Assessment to Evaluate Error Identification and Recovery Skills in Surgical Residents - Michael Sikora - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Evaluation of Pediatric Anesthesia Trainee Performance during a Simulation Intervention Involving Intraoperative Neuromonitoring - Ndidi Unaka - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
A Focus on Health Literacy: Teaching Pediatric Residents How To Write Discharge Instructions That Optimize Readability and Understandability - Paria Wilson - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Application of the Social Ecological Model for Understanding Stressors and Coping Strategies of Pediatric Residents Related to End of Life Care
Catalyst Update
In the last newsletter, we informed you about changes to the application process beginning Fall 2016 and hinted that this was only one change coming. The University has been undertaking the massive task of upgrading from a homegrown Student Information System (SIS) to Catalyst, the UC branding of PeopleSoft Campus Solutions. Along with this, they have adopted a new Prospect Management and Application Management system (Radius). Getting these new systems to talk with each other, and with other systems and data warehouse applications that are staying in place, is a huge task. If you've been through adoption of a new large-scale EMR application, you have some idea of what is involved with changing a system that affects nearly every aspect of your business. We'd love to believe the rollout will be smooth and seamless, but we know there will be bumps and glitches along the way.
By Fall 2016, all student data will be migrated from the current SIS to Catalyst.
How this affects our students
As Catalyst continues to be customized, we are learning little-by-little about what changes to expect. We will learn much more once the system rolls out and gets widespread testing by users.
However, we do know now that, beginning Fall 2016, all of our students will have to register for courses themselves. We will not be able to submit course registrations in bulk for our courses. This has implications for how and when we bill for our courses, and we still need to work out those specifics. So, stay tuned for lots more information to come!
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Dan Schumacher
Dan Schumacher was a Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellow at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center when he began the online masters program in 2009. He graduated with his MEd in 2012 and moved to Boston where he served as an assistant professor of Pediatrics (Boston Medical Center) and Associate Program Director at the Boston Combined Residency Program in Pediatrics (Boston Children’s Hospital and Boston Medical Center). Dan returned to Cincinnati Children’s Hospital in Summer 2015 and currently serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Pediatrics.
Dan is involved in national activities that are shaping the future of medical education in the United States. He was one of 8 authors of the Pediatric Milestones which serves as the backbone for the ACGME’s Next Accreditation System. Dan acknowledged that the MEd provided a critical foundation for this work. He is also a visiting scholar of the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) and a previous visiting scholar of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS). He is still actively involved with several other national activities as an invited participant of the Future of Testing Conference (ABP), a member of the sub-specialty clinical training and certification task force of the ABP, and a scholar in milestones and entrustable professional activities. Dan has 26 peer-reviewed publications in the past 5 years helping frame the national dialogue around medical education.
Read his December 2013 article, "The Quest Toward Unsupervised Practice: Promoting Autonomy, Not Independence. (JAMA. 2013;310(24):2613-2614. doi:10.1001/jama.2013.282324.)
Friday, August 14, 2015
Updated program handbook available
An updated program handbook for the 2015-2016 academic year is now available. You can download the current program handbook at http://bit.ly/1N7qABx.
The changes are primarily in the Application section.
The changes are primarily in the Application section.
Friday, August 7, 2015
The Pediatric Night Shift Curriculum
Kristen Bettin, MD, MEd
University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center
University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center
Value of Feedback in Learning Placement of a Subclavian Central Venous Catheter
Francisco Fernandez, MD, MEd
University of Cincinnati / UC Health
University of Cincinnati / UC Health
Improving Attitudes and Behaviors towards Internal Medicine Grand Rounds by Incorporating the Theory of Planned Behavior
James Michael Fuller, MD, MEd
Greenville Hospital System
Greenville Hospital System
Defining and Fostering Self-Directed Learning in Pediatric Residency: The Perspective Of Pediatric Program Directors
Claire Ganal, MD, MEd
Naval Health Center New England
Naval Health Center New England
Does Cardiac Physical Exam Teaching using a Cardiac Simulator Improve Medical Students’ Diagnostic Skills
Nadine Gauthier, MD, FRCPC, MEd
University of Ottawa
University of Ottawa
Validity Evidence for a Newly-Developed Simulator-Based Assessment to Evaluate Error Identification and Recovery Skills in Surgical Residents
Shari Meyerson, MD, MEd
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Evaluation of Pediatric Anesthesia Trainee Performance during a Simulation Intervention Involving Intraoperative Neuromonitoring
Michael Sikora, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Application of the Social Ecological Model for Understanding Stressors and Coping Strategies of Pediatric Residents Related to End of Life Care
Paria Wilson, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
A Focus on Health Literacy: Teaching Pediatric Residents How To Write Discharge Instructions That Optimize Readability and Understandability
Ndidi Unaka, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Monday, July 6, 2015
About the Cincinnati MedEd Programs
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, in partnership with the University of Cincinnati College of Education, Criminal Justice and Human Services (CECH), offers graduate-level accredited programs for physicians and other healthcare providers involved with or interested in medical teaching and learning or educational research. Those in clinical fellowships may also seek the MEd degree as an alternative to the traditional MPH or MS degrees.
The emphasis of these programs is on adult learning, curriculum and teaching methods, and medical education evaluation and research. The programs are entirely online with no onsite requirement – everything from orientation through final project defense are conducted via internet and telephone using web-based course management and conferencing applications.
The emphasis of these programs is on adult learning, curriculum and teaching methods, and medical education evaluation and research. The programs are entirely online with no onsite requirement – everything from orientation through final project defense are conducted via internet and telephone using web-based course management and conferencing applications.
Online Master of Education (MEd)
The online master of education is offered for those who desire an advanced degree and have an interest in medical teaching and learning beyond the level of the certificate or have an interest in educational research and scholarship. The 30 credit hour program can be completed in as little as two or as many as five years. The degree issued is a master of education in curriculum & instruction. If a designation of “medical education” is desired on the transcript, students have the option of earning the certificate program first or concurrently with the MEd.Online Certificate in Medical Education
The certificate in medical education is a stand-alone distance learning program designed to provide basic knowledge and skills in educational pedagogy tailored to healthcare professionals. The four courses (12 credit hours) are selected by the participant from the MEd program courses to best meet his or her goals and needs. Participants will receive a certificate of medical education (curriculum & instruction), with such designation on the official transcript. If, at the end of the program, continuation into the MEd is desired, all 12 credit hours may be transferred into the master’s degree program.SUBMIT AN INQUIRY FORM FOR MORE INFORMATION
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The graduate programs are accredited through the University of Cincinnati’s accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools and the Higher Learning Commission.
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Assessing Self-Directed Leaming Readiness in Family Medicine Resident Physicians
John Zona, MD, MEd
Flower Family Practice Residency
Flower Family Practice Residency
Development of a Quality Improvement Knowledge Assessment Tool
Sandra Yaich, MEd
Lehigh Valley Hospital Health Network
Lehigh Valley Hospital Health Network
Assessing the Effectiveness of a Longitudinal, Clinically Integrated, Multi-method Curriculum in Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) Skills for Pediatric Residents
Martha Wright, MD, MEd
Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital
Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital
High-fidelity Medical Simulation in the Difficult Environment of a Helicopter: Feasible,Self-Efficacious and Expensive
Stewart Wright, MD, MEd
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Are Online Learning Modules an Effective way to Provide Hand Trauma Management CME to Referring Physicians?
Jason Williams, MD, FRCSC, MEd
Dalhousie University
Dalhousie University
Attitudes of Health Care Faculty Towards Use of Active Learning Strategies in Continuing Education Program
Yolanda Wess, BSN, RN, MEd
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Evaluation of a Novel Educational Adherence Tool in Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The NEAT Study
Karla Vaz, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
West African Immigrant Families in Cincinnati:
Lisa Vaughn, PhD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
A simulator-based resident curriculum for laparoscopic common bile duct exploration
Ezra Teitelbaum, MD, MEd
Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Implementation and Impact of an Innovative Pediatric Hospital Medicine Conference Series
Angela Statile, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Determining Student Satisfaction of a Magnetic Resonance Imaging Curriculum in Preparation for Certification Examination
G. Barry Southers, MEd
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Evaluating Inpatient to Outpatient Communication: A Qualitative Study
Lauren Solan, MD, MEd
University of Minnesota
Abstract not available.
University of Minnesota
Abstract not available.
Psychomotor Readiness of Beginner Echocardiographers PROBE / Published as: Transesophageal echocardiography simulation is an effective tool in teaching psychomotor skills to notice echocardiographers
Benjamin Sohmer, MD, MEd
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute
The University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Welcome to the ED: Impact of an online emergency department rotation orientation for pediatric residents
Brad Sobolewski, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Leadership Development in Undergraduate Medical Education
Amy Smith, MEd
Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
Marshall University Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine
Readiness Assessment of Medical Residents for an Online Residents-as-Teachers Curriculum
Deborah Silva, MD, MEd
University of Puerto Rico
University of Puerto Rico
Use of In Situ Simulations to Identify Barriers to Patient Care for Ad Hoc Multicultural and Multidisciplinary Teams in Developing Countries: A Qualitative Study to Inform the Design of Educational Interventions in Under-Resourced Settings
Nicole Shilkofski, MD, MEd
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University
Neonatologist and Neonatal Nurse Practitioner Collaboration -Development of An Assessment Instrument
Jotishna Sharma, MD, MEd
Children's Mercy Hospital
Children's Mercy Hospital
Educational Outcomes of Helping Babies Breathe Training at a Community Hospital in Honduras
Teresa Seto, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Establishing quality metrics and educational priorities for neonatal and pediatric transport teams: A consensus conference
Hamilton Schwartz, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
The Pediatrics Milestones: Initial Evidence for Their Use as Learning Roadmaps for Residents
Daniel Schumacher, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
A Mixed-Methods Analysis of a Monthly Online Reflective Journal Targeting Resident Leadership Ability, Professionalism, And Ethical Behavior
Jeffrey Schlaudecker, MD, MEd, FHM
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Comparison of a Video-Enhanced Versus Traditional Debriefing in Neonatal Resuscitation Simulation Training
Taylor Sawyer, DO, MEd
University of Washington School of Medicine
University of Washington School of Medicine
Evaluation of A Simulation-Based Curriculum for Rotating Residents in the Emergency Department
David Salzman, MD, MEd
Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Development of a Research Curriculum in Basic Science: A Pilot Study of a Formal Curriculum in Research Training
Gregg Sabla, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
General Pediatric Sonography Curriculum: Pediatric Sonographer Needs Assessment
Lindsey Robinson, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Inadequate screening for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease among pediatric patients with type 2 diabetes: Role of provider knowledge and barriers to screening
Erica Reynolds, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
The Need for and Development of an Effective Case-Based Multimedia CD For Pediatric Pulmonary Board Review: The PEDSEEK Program
Jonathan Puchalski, MD, PhD, MEd
Yale University School of Medicine
Yale University School of Medicine
Ophthalmology Resident Attitudes and Perceptions Towards the Adequacy of Cataract Surgery Training
Alain Proulx, MD, FRCSC, MEd
Ivey Eye Institute/University of Western Ontario
Ivey Eye Institute/University of Western Ontario
Examining Social Media Practices of Pediatric Residents and Faculty: Can Privacy, Professionalism, and Personal Lives Co-exist?
Sue Poynter, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Learning Portfolios in Resident Education:
Stacy Potts, MD, FAAFP, MEd
University of Massachusetts Medical School
University of Massachusetts Medical School
Is Patient Feedback a Useful Adjunct to Medical Student Evaluation?
Glenn Posner, MD, MDCM, FRCSC, MEd
University of Ottawa
University of Ottawa
Self-Assessment in Action: Pediatric Residents' Experiences Self-Assessing Their Performances Leading Simulated Resuscitations
Jennifer Plant, MD, MEd
University of California Davis
Abstract not available.
University of California Davis
Abstract not available.
Providing Uniform Instruction Using Web-Based, Asynchronous Technology in a Geographically Distributed Clinical Clerkship: Analysis of Student Participation and Satisfaction
Don Peska, DO, FACOS, MEd
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine
Development of a Gastroenterology Education Curriculum for Pediatric Residents
Scott Pentiuk, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Development and Implementation of a Patient Safety Curriculum in a Pediatric Emergency Department
Mary Patterson, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Development of Preliminary Quality Measures for Juvenile Rheumatoid or Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis - A Project in Progress
Murray Passo, MD, MEd
Medical University of South Carolina
Medical University of South Carolina
Social Media and Family Medicine Residency Curricula
Heather Paladine, MD, FAAFP, MEd
Family Medicine at Farrell Community Health Center/ New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Abstract not available.
Family Medicine at Farrell Community Health Center/ New York-Presbyterian Hospital
Abstract not available.
An EMR-Enhanced Checklist Plus Unit-wide Electronic Dashboard is Associated with Increased Compliance with CABSI Prevention Bundle and Decreased CABSIs
Natalie Pageler, MD, MEd
Stanford Hospital and Clinics
Stanford Hospital and Clinics
The effect of video simulation on resident attitude, comfort, and practice in assessing for social determinants of health
Jennifer O'Toole, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Critical Care Morbidity and Mortality Conferences: Improving Educational Quality by Examining the Effect of Written Case Structure on Physician Comprehension
Sarah Norris, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Impact of a Prospective-Audit-with-Feedback Antimicrobial Stewardship Program at a Children’s Hospital
Jason Newland, MD, MEd
Children's Mercy Hospital
Children's Mercy Hospital
A constructivist approach to transesophageal echocardiography
Nanhi Mitter, MD, MEd
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
The Design and Development of a Collaborative Online Inpatient Asthma Module
Erik Mikkelsen, MD, MEd
Children's Respiratory and Critical Care Specialists
Children's Respiratory and Critical Care Specialists
Can Web-Based Continuing Medical Education Improve Perceived Physician Competence in Dealing with Child Maltreatment?
Megan McGraw, MD, MEd
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Checklist Assessment of Teamwork in Pediatric Critical Care
Mary McBride, MD, MEd
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Needs Analysis for a Performance Improvement Program in Intraoperative Imaging of the Proximal Femur
Claude Martin, MD, FRCSC, MBA, MEd
AO Foundation
AO Foundation
Assessing Faculty and Student Readiness for Online Courses in Undergraduate Medical Education
Gonzalo Mantilla, MD, MEd
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
A Qualitative Evaluation of Patient Experience and Satisfaction in the Front End of the Emergency Department
Mariann Manno, MD, MEd
UMass Memorial Health Care
Abstract not available.
UMass Memorial Health Care
Abstract not available.
The effect of a longitudinal curriculum teaching pediatric residents patient- and family-centered care (PFCC) on physician ‘centeredness’
Keith Mann, MD, MEd
Children's Mercy Hospital
Children's Mercy Hospital
Validation of Tools for a Multi-Station Assessment of Senior Pediatric Residents
Karen Mangold, MD, MEd
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Practice Management Education: Determining the Need for Education in the KUMC Surgery Resident Program
Joshua Mammen, MD, MEd
The University of Kansas Hospital
Abstract not available.
The University of Kansas Hospital
Abstract not available.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
An Assessment of a Distance Education Lecture Series in Child Abuse Pediatrics
Kathi Makoroff, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Assessing Factors that Contribute to Parental Involvement in a Child Drug Prevention Program
Alysia Longmire, MD
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
External Validation of Scoring Instruments for Evaluating Paediatric Resuscitation
Arielle Levy, MD, MEd
Hospital Sainte Justine
Hospital Sainte Justine
Teaching Pulmonary & Critical Care Fellows How to Teach: An Exploratory Study to Define the Appropriate Curriculum
Peter Lenz, MD, MEd
University of Cincinnati
Abstract not available.
University of Cincinnati
Abstract not available.
Assessing Clinical Competency of Residents in Reproductive Health Interviewing
Corrine Lehmann, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Assessment of the Effects of a Standardized Web-based Anesthesiology Tutorial Program on Anesthesiology Resident Performance on the ASA/ABA In-training Examination
John Lawrence, MD, MEd
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Effects of Repeated Testing through Simulation and Written Tests on Long-term Retention
Douglas Larsen, MD, MEd
Washington University School of Medicine
Washington University School of Medicine
Smoking cessation during pregnancy curricula program
Nicole Kyle, MEd
Ivy Tech Community College / Cameron Memorial Community Hospital
Abstract not available.
Ivy Tech Community College / Cameron Memorial Community Hospital
Abstract not available.
Comparison of Team Leader Training in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: A Randomized, Controlled Trial Involving Simulation-based and Traditional Training Methodologies
Kimberly (Yaeger) Kortes, RN, MEd
Stanford University
Stanford University
Training in Social Determinants of Health in Primary Care: Does it Change Resident Behavior?
Melissa Klein, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Engaging residents in pediatric hospital medicine – a novel elective
Marta King, MD, MEd
Primary Children's Medical Center
Primary Children's Medical Center
Pediatric Resident Interpersonal/Communication Skills: Do They Play a Role in Adolescent Contraception Knowledge After a Clinic Visit?
Oriaku Kas-Osoka, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Evaluating the Impact of Interactive and Entertaining Educational Conferences
Karen Jerardi, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Effect of the ACGME work-hour restrictions on surgical residents, faculty and patients: a systematic review
Mohammed Jamal, MD, MEd
McGill University
McGill University
Improving Fellow Competence in Prenatal Consultation Skills
Susan Izatt, MD, MEd
Duke University Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Duke University Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Resident Selection: Is Moral Reasoning Related to Clinical Performance?
Dena Hofkosh, MD, MEd
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
The Effects of an Asynchronous Educational Curriculum on Resident Attitudes Towards the Use of Asynchronous Education in Professional Development
Jeffrey Hill, MD, MEd
University of Cincinnati/University Hospital
University of Cincinnati/University Hospital
Retention of Surgical Knot-Tying Skills for Second-Year Medical Students: Performance and Timed Assessments of Skill Levels Over Time
Gail Heimburger, MEd
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Lung Transplant Curriculum in Pulmonary/Critical Care Fellowship Training
Don Hayes, MD, MEd
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Nationwide Children's Hospital
Communication as a Medical Skill (ComMS): A randomized control trial to evaluate the effect of a novel communication curriculum to develop rapport and therapeutic relationships in acute care environments.
Karl Hartwick, MD, FRCPC, MEd
University of Ottawa
University of Ottawa
The Self Efficacy of Entry Level Athletic Trainers In Working with Disabled Athletes
Joseph Hacker, ATC, MEd
NovaCare Rehabilitation
NovaCare Rehabilitation
Promoting Human Milk Curriculum for Healthcare Providers
Corryn Greenwood, MD, MEd
Renaissance Medical Group
Abstract not available.
Renaissance Medical Group
Abstract not available.
The Impact of Facilitator Feedback on Student Asynchronous Discussions within an Online Health Information Management Program
Pamela Greenstone, MEd, RHIA, RHIT
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Is the Textbook dead? – Examining the Technologies Used by Medical Students to Learn
Adrian Gooi, MD, MEd
University of Manitoba
University of Manitoba
Case review: Team-based training program designed to reduce patient harm
Martha Goodfriend, RN, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Can an Educational Video Improve Parental Understanding of Physician Trainee Roles in the Pediatric Emergency Department?
Javier Gonzalez-Del-Rey, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
An Exploration of Patient Challenges and Preferences Regarding Medication Reconciliation at the Time of Hospital Discharge (An Interview Study)
Cristina Gonzalez, MD, MEd
Montefiore Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Montefiore Medical Center
Abstract not available.
The Ophthalmic Clinical Evaluation Exercise: Interrater Reliability Determination
Karl Golnik, MD, MEd
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
Analysis of a Curriculum to Enhance Resident Communication Skills During Family Conferences in the Intensive Care Unit
Susan Glod, MD, MEd
Penn State College of Medicine
Abstract not available.
Penn State College of Medicine
Abstract not available.
A developmental study to assess undergraduate medical students' knowledge of clinical reasoning processes
Karen Forbes, MD, MEd
University of Alberta
University of Alberta
Ethical Concerns Related to Grateful Patient Philanthropy: The Physician’s Perspective
John Flynn, MD, MEd
Johns Hopkins University
Johns Hopkins University
Discussing Serious News: Teaching Communication Skills through Role Play with Bereaved Parents
Hilary Flint, DO, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
A Review Of The Acgme Professionalism Competency: Too Subjective To Be A Reliable Measurement Of Resident Quality?
Gail Feinberg, DO, FACOFP, MEd
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital
Our Lady of Bellefonte Hospital
Measuring Knowledge and Attitudes about Asthma in Pediatric Nurses in an Inpatient Setting
Edward Epstein, MD, MEd
Children's Hospital and Health Center
Children's Hospital and Health Center
Effects of Simulation Training on Pediatrician Knowledge and Self-Efficacy in Airway Management
Walter Eppich, MD, MEd
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital
Development, Implementation and Evaluation of an Online Airway Management Module
Anne Drover, MD, FAAP, FRCPS, MEd
Janeway Child Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Abstract not available.
Janeway Child Health and Rehabilitation Centre
Abstract not available.
Predictive Factors Affecting Student’s Success in a Respiratory Program
Tabatha Dragonberry, MEd
Valley Children's Hospital
Abstract not available.
Valley Children's Hospital
Abstract not available.
Use of a Spaced Education Curriculum to Impact Bone Health Care by Internal Medicine Resident
Brigid Dolan, MD, MEd
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Abstract not available.
Northwestern Memorial Hospital
Abstract not available.
Factors Involved in Medical Students Choosing Pediatrics as a Career
Dominick DeBlasio, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Use of an Expert Concept Map as an Advance Organizer to Improve Respiratory Failure Understanding
William Cutrer, MD, MEd, FAAP
Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt University
The Reliability and Validity of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter Among Physician Leaders
Gerald Crites, MD, MEd
University of Georgia
University of Georgia
Reliability of Scoring Checklists for a Rheumatology Objective Structured Clinical Examination
Lisa Criscione-Schreiber, MD, MEd
Duke University Medical Center
The relationship between cognitive-affective-behavioral components of attitude toward medical simulations
Stephen Cico, MD, MED
Sanford Health/Sanford USD Medical Center
Sanford Health/Sanford USD Medical Center
PEM Attending Perspectives on Maintaining Professionalism
Christine Cho, MD, MPH, MEd
Children's Hospital and Research Center / UCSF
Children's Hospital and Research Center / UCSF
Training Transplantation Clinical Trial Teams: Current Training Practices and Educational Needs of Clinical Research Personnel
Christina Canter, MT(ASCP), MEd, CCRP, RAC
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Emergency Medicine Mock Oral Board Examination Simulation: Is Peer-Reviewed Simulation More Effective than Individual Simulation?
David Bullard, MD, MEd
The Cleveland Clinic
The Cleveland Clinic
Prediction of Preschool Vision Testing Behaviors Using the Theory of Reasoned Action
Ellen Buerk, MD, MEd
Oxford Pediatrics and Adolescents, Inc.
Abstract not available.
Oxford Pediatrics and Adolescents, Inc.
Abstract not available.
A transition course for fourth year medical students: Effects on anxiety and confidence levels in new interns
Whitney Bryant, MD, MPH, MEd
University of Cincinnati
University of Cincinnati
An Educational Intervention to Teach Families How to Use a Patient/Family Care Notebook
Stephanie Brown, RN, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Multisource Feedback to Pediatric Residents: The Efficacy of an ACGME Competency-Based Assessment Tool
William Brinkman, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
The Design and Implementation of a More Formalized and Standardized Simulation Curriculum for Pediatric Residents
Corinne Bria, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Abstract not available.
The Use of Leadership Training for Pediatric Fellows to Improve Code Team Performance
Melissa Brannen, MD, MEd
Northwestern University
Northwestern University
Determining the need for improving education of complementary and alternative medicine to better serve patients and physicians
Kristy Brandabur, CPT, RMA, MEd
Raymond Walters College
Abstract not available.
Raymond Walters College
Abstract not available.
Friday, June 26, 2015
Box Cloud Storage for UC Students, Faculty & Staff
The University of Cincinnati offers a free 500 GB Box cloud storage account to all students, faculty and staff. This replaces the UCFileSpace account and is a secure, full-functioned UC-hosted cloud service. It can be used to securely store and share any type of document, including course work and research data, but it is not approved for storage of data covered by HIPAA.
For more info, visit kb.uc.edu. To activate your account, visit uc.edu/ucit/box.
Google Apps for Education Accounts for Current Students
The College of Education, Criminal Justice & Human Services (CECH) offers a Google Apps for Education account for students, faculty & staff. If you currently use Google Drive with a gmail account, this would be a separate, non-commingled account (however, you can share folders and documents with your gmail account). It includes all functionality and apps except email, and it includes up to 5 TB of cloud storage. It is approved for research data, including data covered by HIPAA.
To access, sign into Google using your full UC email address and password. You will then be redirected to a second UC login, where you will login with your regular UC username and password.
If you get a message that your account is not recognized, let us know, and we'll request an account for you.
Office 365 Available with UC Student Accounts

Office 365 is included with your UC student email account and is accessed by signing into your UC student email (mail.uc.edu). It is not currently accessible through staff/faculty email, but should be at some time in the future. Office 365 gives you free limited, web-based versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, OneNote, and more, plus 1TB of OneDrive cloud storage and a license to download a copy of the Office programs to 5 personal computer and 5 tablets.
For PC and Mac installation instructions, see www.uc.edu/ucit/students/email/Windows.html
Important Note
Student email (and Office 365) accounts do not automatically expire when you are no longer a student at the University of Cincinnati - you get to keep it as an alumni as long as you access it at least once a year.
New for Fall 2015 - Revised Statistics and Practicum Classes
We are very pleased to let you know that we are completing revising both the Statistics course and the Practicum course, effective Fall 2015.
EDST7010: Statistics I
Yan Yang is taking over this course and is rebuilding it from the ground up. The new course will be more about the “so what” of statistics and less about the “how” (although the “how” will still be there!). Emphasis will be placed on the interpretation and analysis of the statistics. We are dropping R (unless you really want to use it) and exploring various statistical analysis tools, including Excel and SPSS.
CI6075: Practicum
The Practicum is also being completely redesigned. It will still include an e-portfolio requirement, but will be broken into 3 5-week segments: 1) perspectives on leadership, 2) career planning and goals, and 3) practical teaching application and reflection. The three segments will be inter-related. These changes are based on feedback over the past few years on both this course and the program as a whole, and we expect that this new course will be more meaningful to students and applicable to their career growth.
EDST7010: Statistics I
Yan Yang is taking over this course and is rebuilding it from the ground up. The new course will be more about the “so what” of statistics and less about the “how” (although the “how” will still be there!). Emphasis will be placed on the interpretation and analysis of the statistics. We are dropping R (unless you really want to use it) and exploring various statistical analysis tools, including Excel and SPSS.
CI6075: Practicum
The Practicum is also being completely redesigned. It will still include an e-portfolio requirement, but will be broken into 3 5-week segments: 1) perspectives on leadership, 2) career planning and goals, and 3) practical teaching application and reflection. The three segments will be inter-related. These changes are based on feedback over the past few years on both this course and the program as a whole, and we expect that this new course will be more meaningful to students and applicable to their career growth.
New Application and Requirements Starting Fall 2016
As part of an extensive replacement of the entire Student Information System (SIS) at the University of Cincinnati, there is a new program application that is rolling out starting with Fall 2016. One of the procedural changes with the new application involves transcripts.
Starting with applicants for Fall 2016, we are required to review applications using only an unofficial transcript. Applicants will be required to upload their unofficial transcripts into the application. If the applicant is accepted into the program, they must then request official transcripts be sent directly. It is the University's intention to save applicants the cost of ordering official transcripts unless they are actually admitted into the program.
We have decided to transition to this new requirement prior to Fall 2016. Applicants for Spring and Summer 2016 are being encouraged to upload unofficial transcripts into their application and order official transcripts only after acceptance. During the transition period, this is not required but is strongly recommended.
Starting with applicants for Fall 2016, we are required to review applications using only an unofficial transcript. Applicants will be required to upload their unofficial transcripts into the application. If the applicant is accepted into the program, they must then request official transcripts be sent directly. It is the University's intention to save applicants the cost of ordering official transcripts unless they are actually admitted into the program.
We have decided to transition to this new requirement prior to Fall 2016. Applicants for Spring and Summer 2016 are being encouraged to upload unofficial transcripts into their application and order official transcripts only after acceptance. During the transition period, this is not required but is strongly recommended.
Congratulations Spring 2015 Graduates
Congratulations to the following students who graduated in Spring 2015:
- Fares Kalache - McGill University
- Amel Ahmed Sagh Haider Mohamed - Hamad Medical Corporation
- Hyunjung (Stella) Shin - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
- Hilary Flint - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Discussing Serious News: Teaching Communication Skills through Role Play with Bereaved Parents - Oriaku Kas-Osoka - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Pediatric Resident Interpersonal/Communication Skills: Do They Play a Role in Adolescent Contraception Knowledge After a Clinic Visit? - Teresa Seto - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Educational Outcomes of Helping Babies Breathe Training at a Community Hospital in Honduras - Karla Vaz - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Evaluation of a Novel Educational Adherence Tool in Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The NEAT Study
We now have 114 graduates from the Master's program and 63 graduates from the Certificate program!
Welcome Dr. Tony Artino as new instructor

Tony is a Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Preventive Medicine & Biostatistics at the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences. He is also the Deputy Director of their Graduate Programs in Health Professions Education, and is a Commander in the Medical Service Corps of the US Navy.
Tony earned his BS in Biomedical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, an MS in Physiology from Colorado State, an MS in Instructional Systems from Florida State, and his PhD in Educational Psychology (Cognition & Instruction) from the University of Connecticut.
Tony has taught a variety of courses since 2000 at the Uniformed Services University, the University of Connecticut, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and Walden University. He is also plays a leadership role in a number of medical and healthcare education organizations, and he serves on the editorial boards of several journals in education and medicine.
Development and Testing of a CD-ROM Program for Improving Adolescent Knowledge of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Lynelle Boamah, MD, MEd
Naval Medical College San Diego
Naval Medical College San Diego
Clinical Learning in an Urban Emergency Department: An Examination of Learner’s Abilities for Reflective Practice
Matthew Bitner, MD, MEd
Duke University School of Medicine
Duke University School of Medicine
Resident Education Points System: Creating a more adult centered learning curriculum in residency education
Lanessa Bass, MD, MEd
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences Medical School
University of Arkansas Medical Sciences Medical School
Continuing Medical Education in Pediatrics: Motivation, Attitudes, and Learning Strategies
Raymond Baker, MD, MEd
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Benefits and Challenges of a Near-Peer Mentoring Model at United States Army Research Institutes
Margery Anderson, PhD, MEd
Supreme Education Council
Abstract not available.
Supreme Education Council
Abstract not available.
Teaching in a Clinical Setting: How to Prepare Clinical Mentors in the Clinical Education Setting
Amber Anderson, MEd
Bethesda North Hospital
Bethesda North Hospital
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Development of a Pilot Tool to Assess Formal Mentorship Needs In an Academic Teaching Hospital
Allison Ballantine, MD, MEd
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pennsylvania
Expert Modeling to Improve Acquisition of Behavioral and Technical Skills in Resuscitation Training
JoDee Anderson, MD, MEd
Oregon Health Sciences University
Oregon Health Sciences University
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