We are very pleased to let you know that we are completing revising both the Statistics course and the Practicum course, effective Fall 2015.
EDST7010: Statistics I
Yan Yang is taking over this course and is rebuilding it from the ground up. The new course will be more about the “so what” of statistics and less about the “how” (although the “how” will still be there!). Emphasis will be placed on the interpretation and analysis of the statistics. We are dropping R (unless you really want to use it) and exploring various statistical analysis tools, including Excel and SPSS.
CI6075: Practicum
The Practicum is also being completely redesigned. It will still include an e-portfolio requirement, but will be broken into 3 5-week segments: 1) perspectives on leadership, 2) career planning and goals, and 3) practical teaching application and reflection. The three segments will be inter-related. These changes are based on feedback over the past few years on both this course and the program as a whole, and we expect that this new course will be more meaningful to students and applicable to their career growth.