Congratulations to the following students who graduated in Spring 2015:
- Fares Kalache - McGill University
- Amel Ahmed Sagh Haider Mohamed - Hamad Medical Corporation
- Hyunjung (Stella) Shin - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
- Hilary Flint - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Discussing Serious News: Teaching Communication Skills through Role Play with Bereaved Parents - Oriaku Kas-Osoka - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Pediatric Resident Interpersonal/Communication Skills: Do They Play a Role in Adolescent Contraception Knowledge After a Clinic Visit? - Teresa Seto - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Educational Outcomes of Helping Babies Breathe Training at a Community Hospital in Honduras - Karla Vaz - Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Evaluation of a Novel Educational Adherence Tool in Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The NEAT Study
We now have 114 graduates from the Master's program and 63 graduates from the Certificate program!