Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Kathleen Timme Spotlight

Kathleen Timme recently started a new podcast called Teaching in Medicine where she interviews current and aspiring clinician-educators as a means to explore triumphs, struggles, and effective approaches in medical education.  The first two episodes feature Dr. Benjamin Chan, Associate Dean of Admissions for the University of Utah School of Medicine (and 2018 graduate of the MEd program), where they discuss the reasons why they chose our online MEd program.

Kathleen’s inspiration for the podcast came from her relationship with the Rural Underserved Utah Training Experience (RUUTE) program and her work on creating a trainee-as-teacher program for students and residents doing rural rotations. As a means to reach remote populations, she considered audio and video content for learners to access while away from the academic hub.  On a personal note, she enjoys listening to podcasts while driving and exercising and thought that this would be a good way to bring brief lessons to learners that can be accessed at their convenience.  She was also inspired by Dr. Benjamin Chan's podcast Talking Admissions and Med Student Life that brings to life the stories of medical students and how they ended up in medical school.  Her hope is to capture the stories of clinician-educators and how they ended up in medical education.

In the future, Kathleen hopes that the Teaching In Medicine podcast will become a place where medical students, trainees, and clinician-educators alike can learn about the art of teaching as a healthcare provider.  She hopes that students and trainees can find inspiration in the "Meet The Educator" episodes and that we all improve our teaching skills through careful exploration of pedagogy, teaching approaches, and review of the literature on medical education.

Kathleen invites those interested in being a guest on the show or those with questions to  You can subscribe anywhere you get podcasts:  New episodes come out every other Monday.

Kathleen Timme is an Assistant Professor of Pediatric Endocrinology at the University of Utah and serves as Director of Educational Development for the Graduate Medical Education Committee and Co-Director of the Students-as-Teachers pathway. She attended the State University of New York at Buffalo School of Medicine, followed by pediatrics residency and endocrine fellowship at Yale.

Kathleen is a current student in the online Master of Education program here at the University of Cincinnati.  Her research interest is in training physicians how to effectively teach. She is currently working on an asynchronous trainee-as-teacher program for the Rural Underserved Utah Training Experience (RUUTE) and creating material to supplement resident-as-teacher programs throughout the University.

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